Friday, October 02, 2009

Colorless Images

Do colors (or lack of them) in images evoke emotions differently or rather evoke different emotions? I have one with colors next to it and looking at both of them together, I feel they communicate singularly, with different paces and visual noises. Been a massive fan of b/w pictures and have always ended up fidgeting with colors in them and personally feel that they upgrade the picture viewing experience and it so happens that with colors they do not speak to me the same way. Absence of colors, leave the viewers to paint and fill colors per their imagination or leave it, as is. That's always joyous! There is room for romancing with the image and imagination and things are always more charming in web of imagination with two steps of distance.


Niranjan said...

B&W definitely renders a certain timelessness to images. I went through a sepia-phase - am fascinated by it but ended up having so many sepia images that I was craving color. 'tis like the weather, to me - the occasional gray and cloudy day feels good, too many of those and one is back to looking for the sun.

Pallavi said...

Niranjan: I think, we as human crave for change, all the time, after a while, in everything. Even too much goodness tires you are probably right!

Metal said...

B&W are certainly much better than colored ones, they seem to leave an impression in the mind forever. Nice blog btw!

Pallavi said...

Thank you so much and welcome to the blog, Metal!