Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A cook can cook...

..as Yan could. Could never understand how he could maintain such cheery facade while doing something as intense as cooking. Because when I cook I am nervous, petulant and focused. I find cooking deeply introspective and have had many realizations cooking many things, ranging from Palak paneer, Baigan bharta, Thai curries, Coconut stew, Mooli Parathas, Banana bread, Kheer, Pastas, Pulav, Sambhars, Steamed modaks, Gulab Jamuns, Masala bhindi and so many more things. I have come to an understanding that yours truly is a very snobbish cook and hardly follow a recipe as is. I like to organize my ingredients in the vicinity (a characteristic of organizing things similar to Jack Nicholson in As good as it gets) and and find chopping onions (finely) to be the most fulfilling task. I need a good knife or things become deeply unsatisfying and annoyance may rise. I do not particularly enjoy people advising me on how it should be done or modify some steps. My ego is most prominent while cooking.

I tried Penne Pasta in mint, basil and garlic sauce with sauteed corn and carrot. It was accompanied with caramalized onions and mushrooms. Whole things was then embellished with roasted peanuts and walnuts. Accompanying picture is not the very best visual illustration but presented nonetheless. If anyone is interested in the recipe, do ask me and would be happy to share and if I am happy at that moment, may invite you over for dinner as well. No. Just messing.


Niranjan said...

That looks delicious. Do let me in on the recipe. The Penne Pasta I make involves - a) boil penne pasta b) heat the sauce c) mix. You can see why, until this point, I had developed an aversion to this form of pasta :)

Pallavi said...

No, no! Niranjan, Niranjan. Looks like you do need the recipe. Definitely. Recipe (with many more steps then a,b,c..) email will be knocking your inbox door sometime soon.

Heathcliffs Girl said...

the knife. thank god fr another person!
i intensely dislike blunt knives.the whole joy of starting to cook fades right then!

Pallavi said...

Heathcliffs Girl: I know, thank God! Glad to find another person who thinks so strongly about a knife.

And glad that you stumbled on this blog, whichever way you made it here.