Sunday, July 05, 2009

Four gone...

..and eight more to go. Yes, you might have guessed it right. Those numbers have to do something with pounds and you can attach "desirable personal loss" to it, as well. After much dodging and bluffing, I am back to my routine visits to gym. It's been a month and I am lovin' it, seeing the visible results, beyond the mental satisfaction of following a good habit.

On an average, its 4 visits per week, when sanity prevails over lethargy and laziness. So far, its only one week that I am ashamed of, for absconding for one full-whole-complete-all seven days -week bunking. Weight of one week guilt will result in more rigorous weeks to come, so it all works out fine, you see. Or so I say and think to self.

Work-out looks something like this at the moment and I am determined to improve upon it, in next few weeks: 2.5/3.0 miles of walk/run, followed by 3.5/4.0 miles of cycling, 15/20 minutes of rowing and stepping exercises and to finish, end it with half hour of yoga (combination of 8 to 10 moderate to difficult postures).


Niranjan said...

"desirable personal loss" - like the way you phrase it.

Keep up the hard work! Certain desirable habits are truly hard to form.

Pallavi said...

Thanks Niranjan! I am hoping that I don't wuss out in coming days. And, "desirable personal loss" was my attempt to be funny.

Parth said...

That's good to know. Discipline is always a casualty with gyming and setting goals makes it easier, doesn't it?

Pallavi said...

Yes definitely, Parth! Goal setting certainly helps, although, I may not always meet them, but working towards them leads to something positive, which is great.