Saturday, January 31, 2009


Rozaana..I not particularly dig the start of the song (may be it's got to do with B's voice..was never a fan of neither his acting nor his voice and never really could understand the hype about him. No, seriously!)..but as it picks the the forms a great song for my runnin'...[which I have been royally ignoring...(sheepish grin)...] collection!
Rozaana - Nishabd ...


Sudipta Chatterjee said...

Haunting song! Thanks.. listened to it twice already.

P.S. - Google word verification: "terses" :P

Pallavi said...

willkommen Sudipta! I hope word verification turns "terseser"..:smile:

Parth said...

I suppose I got it right when I added it to my annual song list when it came out :)

Pallavi said...

You got that right Parth! I thought you will abandon my blog since I was badmouthing sign of protest?

Parth said...

I am taking a zen like approach about this :) Of course, wonder how you'd react if I trash Ms. Roy.

Pallavi said...

ouch! that hurts...peace?? Although, You can either take zen like approach or trash Ms.Roy.