Bumped into this absolutely fabulous article on what the true power should be and actually is. It is an attempt to blow the myth of what the power has been understood and what has been taught and being perpetrated which still is grossly faulty.
My favorite point in the article:
"A major reason why Machiavellians fail is that they fall victim to a third myth about power. They mistakenly believe that power is acquired strategically in deceptive gamesmanship and by pitting others against one another. Here Machiavelli failed to appreciate an important fact in the evolution of human hierarchies: that with increasing social intelligence, subordinates can form powerful alliances and constrain the actions of those in power. Power increasingly has come to rest on the actions and judgments of other group members. A person's power is only as strong as the status given to that person by others."
How I wish people spent more time on cultivating social intelligence rather than acquiring blanket powerless powers which can be dynamited anytime.
Fascinating. Thanks for sharing this.
Thanks Parth.
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