Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Whats' cookin?

I have been trying to incorporate healthy food habits in my regular regime. Some research led to discovery of "Asparagus." I had heard this weed name before but had never attempted to eat...:). Simply coz it sounded very pardesi to my taste buds. It turns out its' one of the very nutritious "ghas phoos"...:). So I bought some and researched a little further for some vegetarian recipes. To my disappointment, there aren't too many out there to satiate my vegetarian existence. Nevertheless, my interest in cooking and few years of experimenting gave rise to... I dont know what to name it though!! Here is the picture of it. You can send some innovative names for it after you read the recipe.

Ingredients: 5/6 sticks of Asparagus, crushed pepper, thyme, basil, cummin seeds, chopped garlic, diced onion, salt and 1 spoon of plain yogurt.

Chop the weed the way you want (size, shape really doesnt matter). Heat the pan, add a dash of oil, fry cummin seeds, garlic and onion. Saute it for 3/4 minutes on low flame, and then add the weed..:). It doesn't take too long for it to cook. Add all the spices mentioned above and cook it for 6/7 minutes. Once it looks done add the yogurt and salt. Stir it and yey..its' ready to eat. Yummy...yes it tastes really good. Yeah, I had my reservation bout it.


ritzkini said...

Weed Masala ?
No ?
how about Green Crap ?
NO ??!!
ok...serious now..
maybe french restaurant style..
"Asparagus Au blah blah.."
(Spicy Asparagus in salted yoghurt,with a sprinkling of auzooyousaauu -in italics,remember! :D)
*No,never been to a french restaurant..just things i noticed :D*
Kanda,batata aur ghaas khaaya,karke bol na..kya asparagus,yeh woh khalli-walli !??

Pallavi said...

@Ritz- No suggestions that I can use..:(. Nevermind.