Sunday, April 30, 2006

Professor Paul Rothstein

I was one of the privileged student at ASU to go to School of Design and had a marvelous opportunity of being in the same era of Professor Paul Rothstein. I had taken couple of his classes and had an opportunity to be in seminars on some of the design issues he was working on. His personality was magnetic and sharp. Very few people have that beaming glow of intelligence in their eyes and Paul was one of them. He literally forced people to think critically and objectively about design issues, rather than having that vague and inexplicable quality. Everyone just nodded in sheer agreement with his point of view because it just made pure logic. He divided the design issues in plain smaller solvable sections and dealt with each one and like a straightforward scientific problem. No abstraction involved and ignored. His approach to design theory was neat and presented factually. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is not with us anymore.

Thursday, April 27, 2006

I am an optimist!!

Why am I an optimist? First reply would be because I know it. Ok I am kidding. I have a better answer based on experience, growth, maturity and keen sense of understanding of sophisticated atmosphere around us.

Firstly, being optimist doesn't imply excluding the factor "not having to fail." Secondly, being
optimistic doesn't refrain one from cognitive thinking and rationale in action. Why sometimes people tend to walk towards pessimism? Simply life has treated them in unexpected ways. I have seen various levels of pessimism. People often judge their current circumstances with reference to past events, which is fair to some extent. To analyze the past events fully and move on is the smartest way. Another point I would clarify is that being optimistic doesn't mean suspension of critical anatomizing. It rather refers to the enthusiasm and zeal with which you take anything new with certain amount of risk factor. The risk factor cannot be diminised fully, simply because you are dealing with unknown, dynamic and everchanging scenarios and people try to adapt as adeptly as possible.

If you have started at anything with some amount of pessimism, to me battle (battle may not be the best word here) has begun half heartedly in the first place. Everyone feels their life is most tough. My sister-in-law once told me this saying and it's been with me since then- "Never underestimate anyone's struggle. Each and everyone of us are fighting our own battle."

What happens when there is an optimistic enthusiast around?Ohhh... Advantage is multifold. It immediately creates an aura of positive energy and conditions conducive for synergy of ideas and their realizations. On the other hand, not starting a dialogue because of uncertainty is rejecting whole lot possibilities of new horizons and dreams to be fulfilled.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Sweet Mystery

All those who waited patiently..guys I wasnt attempting to create mystery intentionally. Was really really busy. So here it is...

Thats' right!!! 19" Dell Ultra Sharp flat panel LCD monitor..:D. For all the mundane info (if you care to know).
Why is it special to my heart? Coz it replaces one ugly, fat CRT one from my study...
and check-out all the room around

Coming up next......My poem on eyez..

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

New gadget

Just got my new cool baby added to my gadget family. Cant' wait to get home..:)..Mystery shall be revealed soon.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Do we compromise in life?

This question has always troubled me and urged to think about my actions and the way I deal with life in general or specific. First of all the question arises, what do we really mean by the word "compromise." To me compromise is merely a betrayal of one's principles (or even the standards you have set for your life)- a self surrender to any irrational (purely when you are not able to convince your own self), unethical and hurtful/harmful claim (long term, short-term).

Personal integrity is often abused simply because we have made that comfortable fluctuation (in total awareness). I don't think we can get confused (in our attentive mindful presence of soul) between an innocent mistake and a honest betrayal of regulations of every day operations of a system which we refer to as life. Its not a compromise when we see rational validity in a situation and learn quickly and move on. e.g., accepting publishers' meaningful suggestions is not a compromise but making some changes in order to please him or to please public against one's own standards is. Also accompanying one's husband or wife to a concert, when one does not care for music is not a compromise.

I personally feel that there can be no compromise on moral principles. Does life really need a surrender of that which is true and good to that which is false and evil? Well I really strongly don't think so. It precisely what life forbids-if one wishes to achieve anything but a stretch of tortured years spent in progressive self-destruction. Think about it..:)